TUE 12/26/00

...changing the world, one computer at a time.


My Grocery List

Did you know that...

...Americans use over 16,000 tons of aspirin a year.

Today's Animated Gif

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The Computer Guy

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Count Your Blessings

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4. Type = GIF/JPG
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Short for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association, and pronounced as separate letters, PCMCIA is an organization consisting of some 500 companies that has developed a standard for small, credit card-sized devices, called PCMCIA Cards.

Designed for laptop computers, these cards allow you to slip in a fax modem card when you want to send a fax, a memory card when you want more memory, etc.




A reader asks...

 "What exactly is an "animated GIF"?


A "regular" GIF is a type of picture (graphic) file (up to 256 colors).  An animated GIF is a type of GIF image that can be animated by combining several GIF images into a single GIF file.  Then, applications (programs) that support the animated GIF standard (such as your Web Browser), cycle through each image. In that way, an animation is produced.  Kinda like a  3 second "micro movie".



Note: this optical mouse info will remain here for the entire week.


The New Mouse Generation

There's a new breed of mice available and they're out to prove that even traditionally boring pointing devices can be sexy. 

Skipping the rollerball-based design altogether, this latter-day rat pack shines a tiny beam of red light to sample the mousing surface. These OPTICAL MICE, led by Microsoft's IntelliMouse Explorer, are super accurate and can be used on almost any surface. 

No need to worry about dustballs or incompatible mouse terrain. And while a few have gone wireless, the majority connect to your computer thru the fashionable interface of the day — USB (Universal Serial Bus, the newer and faster type of connector found on the back of all modern computers).

Best Wishes,
The Computer Guy