Regards from Adam, your computer guy
Week of October 22 thru October 28   

   ...changing the world, one computer user at a time.

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Weekly Pic
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Weekly Anim GIF
Weekly Tune
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On The Lighter Side
Computer News Brief

Weekly In Depth

A Card Trick
Chinese Rap Music

Classic Favorites
Atomic Clock

Weekly Tune




user at a time.



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Did you know that...

..."the first computer 'bug' was found by Admiral Grace Hopper in a Naval computer. It was a moth, caught in the computer relay switch that was giving rise to errors. Hence, the term computer bug."

Weekly Animated Gif

(if it ain't moving, RELOAD page)

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The Computer Guy

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user at a time.


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Bedtime Story
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Remember to
SAVE (download)
this tune to your
hard drive

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r at a tim



Any machine or component that attaches to a computer.

 Examples of devices include disk drives, printers, mice, and modems. These particular devices fall into the category of peripheral devices because they are separate from the main computer.

Most devices, whether peripheral or not, require a program called a device driver that acts as a translator, converting general commands from a computer program into specific commands that the device understands.

It's really important that you safeguard the device drivers (video driver, sound driver, etc.) that came with your computer.  These drivers are on CDs that were packed with your new computer.

If, someday, you have to reinstall Windows, you'll need these device drivers.

So, pack 'em all up in a little box and store them in a place where you'll find them if you need them.





Q.   "I just got a new digital still camera and many of my photos need to be cropped or enhanced in some way.  What program do you use for fixing up photos.?"


A.    Actually, I use several graphic programs for enhancing photos.  My favorite is Paint Shop Pro.  It has many professional features but you use only those features that you're comfortable with.

I always fix up all of my photos.  Sometimes it just cropping, sometimes it's adding brightness or sharpness.

I also like to add special effects to my photos.  And below you'll see some alterations that I made to a family birthday party photo.

before... dmb1cc.jpg (38615 bytes)          after... dmb1dw.jpg (43647 bytes)

Click on each photo to enlarge it (and use BACK to return here).  Notice how I added some things on the table and how I put party hats on the two girls.

All kinds of things like this can be done with Paint Shop Pro.  And you'll never trust your eyes again when you look at digital photos.

Until next week, this is  your computer guy, changing the world one computer user at a time.

Best regards,


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"...the last pickle in the jar that avoids all attempts to be captured".

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Bringing Computers To Life
"Researchers say that the growing complexity of computers and networks demands that the technology does a better job of maintaining and healing itself."

Rolling sevens: AOL upgrades to 7.0
"The changes in the software are mainly cosmetic, including more high-speed Internet features and local content on the welcome screen."

Cyber Warriors Gun for Bin Laden
"While the real Bin Laden may have eluded capture, his virtual likeness has not, with an endless stream of Web sites and emailed jokes, games and pictures allowing keyboard cowboys to shoot, bomb or just ridicule the man Washington accuses of masterminding last month's attacks."

Lame Attempts To Disguise Viruses
"Microsoft NEVER distributes patches by email, it sends digitally-signed email alerts which details where patches can be downloaded from its site."

Windows XP: Battle over the Internet
"In the second through sixth attempts to connect to the Net, Windows XP will implore consumers to sign up for something called Passport -- an identification technology that, in many ways, is a key to Microsoft's future."

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Control Panel

The Control Panel (My Computer... Control Panel) is the nerve center for accessing every important Windows function. Think of it as the place to go when you need to customize your PC or tweak crucial settings.

These are the main areas you'll find in the Control Panel:

Add New Hardware -- Add new hardware to your system. Use this when Windows Plug-n-Play doesn't work correctly. Double-clicking this icon will launch a wizard that will walk you through installing new hardware drivers.

Add/Remove Programs -- Double-clicking this icon will launch a dialog box to install/uninstall programs, add or remove Windows system components, or create a Windows startup disk. Always use this feature to correctly remove programs or system components.

Date/Time -- This is where you access all the controls to change the date and time features of Windows.

Display -- Features the following tabs: Background, Screen Saver, Appearance, Effects, Web, and Settings. The Display dialog box is where you can set your desktop wallpaper, monitor resolution, desktop themes, and screen savers.

Find Fast -- Use the Find Fast application when you can't remember where you placed a file or folder. Find Fast will search the contents of your entire system or network and retrieve the file path for you.

Fonts -- The fonts folder is nothing more than a shortcut to the fonts folder within the Windows system folder. To add or remove fonts just cut, copy, or paste them directly into the fonts folder.

Gaming Options -- Use this application to configure and test gaming controllers.

Internet Options -- Features the following tabs: General, Security, Privacy, Content, Connections, Programs, and Advanced.  Use this dialog box to adjust your browser's history properties, cache size, security settings, homepage, and more.

Keyboard -- Use the keyboard dialog box to adjust your cursor's repeat delay, repeat rate, and blink rate. You can also set the proper language settings for your keyboard here.

Modems -- Use the modem wizard to install a new modem or change modem properties.

Mouse -- Features the Buttons, Pointers, and Motion tabs. Go here to make your mouse right- or left-handed or to change the pointer to a different icon.

Multimedia -- Features the Audio, Video, MIDI, CD Music, and Devices tabs. Adjust sound card properties, video playback sizes, and view all the multimedia devices connected to your computer here.

Network -- Use the network dialog box to configure network and hardware settings. This is where you can turn file and printer sharing on/off, adjust TCP/IP settings, or switch the logon type to either "Client for Microsoft Networks" or "Windows Logon."

Passwords -- Features the Change Passwords, Remote Administration, and User Profiles tabs. Change your Windows logon password and other passwords here.

Power Management -- Features settings to suspend your PC, monitor, or hard disks after periods of inactivity.

Printers -- Use this dialog box to add or remove a local or network printer.

Regional Settings -- Features the Number, Currency, Time, and Date tabs. This is where you can configure how Windows displays numbers, currency, time, and dates.

Scanners and Cameras -- Use this to add or remove scanners or cameras to your system. You could also use the Add New Hardware wizard.

Sounds -- Allows you to customize event sounds in Windows. Change system sounds to other default sounds or use your own.

System -- Provides system information such as operating system, amount of RAM, processor speed, and all the devices that are connected to your computer. It also features advanced settings for adjusting virtual memory, file system, and graphics performance.

Telephony -- Use this dialog box to configure telephony drivers and dialing properties.

Users -- Use this wizard to create multiple user profiles on the same system.

Got all that?  Maybe you'd better print this stuff out on paper so you'll have it when you need it.

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Think of any one of the 6 cards below...

Now say its name out loud.

Good.  Now  CLICK HERE.

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(It'll take 3 minutes to download at 56k)

Chinese Rap Music (777k)
(click on above link... requires FLASH... takes 3 minutes to load at 56k)

Need FLASH player? CLICK here...

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A Computer Guy Favorite...

A Computer Guy Favorite...

Fishermen... ask your questions!



     ...and climbing   

     ...send me your friend's email address and help the counter climb

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Computer Guy Classic Favorites...

Find out if New York State owes you any money

Ellis Island Immigration Records

Do you know your Candy Bars?

MapQuest Travel Directions

NYC Restaurant Inspection

OasisNYC Maps & Photos

The Reference Desk

13,330 Calculators

How Stuff Works

Mad Cow Disease


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Exact Atomic Clock Time Right Now

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(CLICK on the rose to hear Dr. Ben's music)

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